For over 40 years I was told by several different health professional that my limited use of my shoulder was the way it was to be for me. I fell and hurt my shoulder when I was 18 years old.
After several ultra-sounds, X-Rays, physio, cortisone shots, Intramuscular Stimulation , I had signed up for various fitness programs to help rehab my shoulder. After exhausting all possibility I had been told to simply deal with it, and just to accept the limited range of motion in my shoulder as this was how it was going to be. Clearly frustrated and defeated I toke a long hiatus from exercise.
This past year my wife suggested I go see Sandra at Muscle Lines personal training, as Sandra had helped many people we know.
After signing up with Sandra she worked out a customized weight training program for my special needs , over a short period of time I was starting to build muscle and stability around my injured shoulder as well as losing body fat.
I can honestly say that I now have full range of motion in my shoulder! On top of that I have lost 15 lbs and 15 inches!! Mentally I was back in the game. I started running again and no longer feel defeated and most important, I am enjoy exercise once again.
I was recently due for a full physical for life insurance two weeks ago. My blood pressure was 118 over 78 and my pulse is 58 clearly fit and healthy!!!
Thank you Sandra
Stephen Fortner