Many people are asking me “is there any hope for men over 40″? I say “yes”! This interview will give you hope and reinforce my Philosophy that “YES YOU CAN be fit at any age”
Like a scientist Sandra’s approach was from the inside out!
March 27, 2014
I have had the pleasure of working out with Sandra Froher, fitness expert, and owner of Muscle Lines “Lean for Life” personal training for over 4 years.
Initially, I began working out with Sandra because I had a milestone birthday approaching.
At the time, yoga and walking was helping to maintain my shape, but my shoulders were droopy like a worm, my joints were starting to hurt, and after having had an office job for over 10 years, my neck muscles had collapsed from the repetitive action of talking on the phone without a proper device.
I was most comfortable sitting hunched over. I was starting to feel old.
My initial goal was to increase overall strength and tone. The program I chose included twelve personal training sessions over twelve weeks. Like a scientist, Sandra weighted and measured my body, and gave me a personalized exercise plan including homework to chart my daily food intake, so she could understand my body type.
I learned the correct postures to lift weights, and that attacking the muscles from all angles would help sculpt my body with even distribution. I also learned about the foods that would most help me maintain muscle and burn fat.
Four years later, I’ve come to reflect on why I’ve become a long term client of Muscle Lines. It is because Sandra is more than a fitness expert. In many ways she acts as a life coach. Sandra herself is a world figure champion. She has lived a big life, and triumphed over many physical challenges to win those top honours. Sandra’s personal achievements have enabled her to teach me the discipline required to change my body, and more importantly, the self discipline to re-programme my mind.
Sandra Froher has helped me become a warrior- in body,mind,and spirit, and has taught me how to be strong, stay young, and lean for life.
Many thanks Carollyne