
7 weeks of health and fitness tips for staying Lean for Life.

January 2, 2015

New Years can be a time for deep reflection and for some it’s time to clean the slate and begin again. A great way to see if your resolutions are being met is to write down your goals into categoreys of life. Health & fitness, love and relationships, financal health, hobbies. Looking back on your goals at the end of the year can help you to stay commited each year.

If health & fitness needs attention breaking it down into smaller pieces of the goal can be helpful. If weight loss is part of your goal starting with 1 or 2 things per week until you have your goal under way. This method has been proven to help you get started and stay commited for a life time.

    Week one – Remove all processed foods in week one and take 1-2 yoga classes or stretch for 15 minutes a day. Begin visulizing your perfect health balance and spend 10 minutes a day either writing down or visulizing the new healthy you.

    Week 2 – Increase your water intake and start moving your body. If your sedentary begin with walking 30 mins a day. Find a work out partner with simalar goals. Couples training can help make the goal seem less of a chore and more of a challenge.

    Week 3- Add some full body weight training in 2 times a week to bolster your metabolism and balance your hormones.

    Week 4- Tighten up your nutrition by eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day make sure you have protein at each sitting. Write down your food choices. It’s helpful to reflect at the end of each day. Strive for 8-10 servings of veggies 4-5 servings of protein and 1-2 pieces of low glycimic fruit. Depending on the goal either cut starches out or 1 small serving of whole grains.

    Week 5- Add suplements in for back up energy and recovery from exercise. The right supplements can be tested closely by a Natural path.

    Week 6- Start increasing your intensity on your cardio. If you were walking begin a walk jog 3 minute walk 1 minute jog until you reach 1 minute walk one minute jog for 30 mins.
    Week 7- Add one more day of weight training in to help rev up your metabolism. Stay strong on this routine for 2-3 months until it becomes your new habit. It will be time for a change in your program remember the body is smart if you always do the same things you will remain the same.

For a closer look at finding your right balance a professional is trained to help you start according to your lifestyle and any health concerns having a customized program can be the difference maker in your out come.

With Muscle Lines, I learned to be more efficient with my workouts. I got better results in less time.
Valerie M, Victoria BC
Sandra Froher

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