
Muscle Lines 2 part series on achieving your highest health self

January 12, 2016

Muscle Lines Everyone Has Health Mini Series

Today I want to start a new conversation about health in a holistic way. This series will look at issues people are currently “struggling” with in their daily lives that impact their workouts, self-care, motivation and ability to have your word just be your word without judgment.

I am picking the subject matter out of things that our clients are actually saying to us and struggling with. Hopefully through this sharing process we open up our readers to the realization that humanity is all inclusive, and that we are not separate but shockingly similar to others in respect to what we all deal with on a daily basis.

Today’s subject is “The transformational benefits of nutrition on mental health.”

I know what you’re thinking…. What does this have to do with mental health? I was shocked and pleasantly surprised by what I found.

Before I get to the facts here is a small story to set the scene.

You are a late thirties to mid-forties client who suddenly finds themselves gaining a bunch of weight. You work out sometimes and do your best to eat right but it doesn’t always work out. At first you do not notice so much but over the months and possibly years it just keeps going. You start to notice that your mental state has shifted or changed towards yourself and your body, and one day as if from nowhere you look in the mirror and declare something is wrong and you are somehow bad or out of shape (insert personal negative affirmation here).

Unrelated to this change you also might notice a deepening of feelings of depression, loss of power, anxiety, loss of sleep, instability in daily life. Some or none of the areas of life work for you, and no matter where you look you cannot figure out what is causing all these problems and stress. You try everything you know of like going on vacations, shopping, attempting to destress at home or work but nothing seems to work. You avoid things you would normally enjoy and your exercise has dropped to an all-time low.

Your care and attention for your dietary concerns are near zero, and things that you already know should not be going in your mouth find themselves going in on a regular basis. Feelings of sickness and unrest come more often accompanied by pain in joints and muscles. Life becomes more of a struggle and the very thought of going to the gym or being active or out in the world becomes loathsome or simply just another thing to be endured.

I can go on and on about where this scenario goes and the downward health spiral it leads to. The point is many people who come to us are struggling with some or all of what I just described or know someone who is.

Often we blame circumstances, people or situations for not getting what we want out of our fitness or our life. In reality though once we start to peel back the onion on this health crisis that is plaguing our society called mental illness, we see that we have far more control than what we imagine.

The 2 pillars of health that I will talk about in this series can and will lessen or even get rid of symptoms of mental illness depending on the cause and application of this recipe for success.

Pillar 1 Nutrition

I love this topic because it is the genesis or starting point of all fitness and wellness that we teach. In most people’s daily lives though, this is where we get most of the resistance and where all clients great and small will self-sabotage themselves.

The kitchen can be a deadly place for all good fitness plans to go off the rails. A balanced diet of protein in every meal, a large amount of vegetables for complex carbs and 2 snacks per day consisting of seeds or nuts or some other kind of healthy snack is what we prescribe to keep people on track. If we settle for diets that do not include all the good stuff we are killing off our highest health self.

I also realize that choosing to to do something is rather simplistic when talking about possible long term addictions to sugar ect. however many of our clients have taken the challenge head on to stick to the nutrition programs prescribed and reported both satiation and very few cravings.

I would like to talk briefly about some simple ways that nutrition can quickly turn around moods and a possible solution for some people to relieve some major mental health issues.

Firstly let’s talk about the little known essential amino acid called Tryptophan and why it is key to mental health and stability.

Many people are Tryptophan deficient and do not know it. As many of our diets consist of low quality nutrition. A good rule of thumb is if you cannot pick it, dig it, chase it or grow it don’t put it in your mouth.

Tryptophan is essentially and on the endangered species list in your body for a few reasons.

1.    What it does in the body is so unique as it has the ability to cross the blood to brain barrier and once in the brain create a neurotransmitter called Serotonin which is responsible for feelings of fullness, general wellness, sleep induction etc. (basically the feel good hormone) It is also the synthetically produced hormone that all antidepressant, or SSRI drugs are produced to combat mental issues.

2.    Tryptophan also has other jobs in the body and if the body for example was short of B3 or B6, Tryptophan can be converted over to make those essential vitamins.

3.    Amino acids like Tryptophan and all other amino acids also have the job of being building blocks for essential body mechanics like muscle and organs to name a few. Due to all these demands from the body dietary Tryptophan may not be enough if you are not eating a whole food diet.

So you can see the importance of this essential amino acid but why do I care?

Simple the body and mood depend heavily on this amino acid and if sufficient levels are not present it does something very interesting to get it.

If Tryptophan levels are low and all other body functions are competing for amino acids including Tryptophan, then the body will make you crave carbs in order to start an insulin response. The presence of the carbs essentially sucks out all other amino acids in the body except Tryptophan. This leaves only Tryptophan to enter the brain and produce Serotonin. This is the danger zone as refined carbs cause obesity very quickly due to their stimulation of the insulin response which is a fat gathering hormone.

So what do you do about these deficiencies?

Easy get your seeds and nuts as snacks and Tryptophan also comes in other foods such as, meat, eggs, chicken ect. Choose wisely here as natural whole foods and vegetable or seed/nut sources are preferred.

Other things in your diet that may cause serious symptoms of anxiety and depression and are potentially dangerous to your health are: FREE SUGAR (this is processed sugar or high fructose corn syrup which is even more deadly and covered in later series), Refined carbohydrates (breads, cereals, white flour, white rice) and artificial sweeteners (Nutrasweet, Equal, Aspartame, ect) Stevia is exception to this as it is a ground up plant and safe for humans as far as we know.

Many foods that we eat today are processed. The processing takes nutrients out while adding chemicals and pesticides in, leading to empty calories and even worse harmful substances which cause instability in the body and mind.

The science on what pesticides, preservatives, food coloring, and other processing agents do will blow your mind literally if you look it up, which I encourage you to do.

They have been linked and have been shown to be the direct cause of all the worst diseases plaguing human beings including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, stroke to name a few.

When in doubt about anything dietary please consult your physician or even better your Naturopath and get tested for deficiencies and health related symptoms.

In closing I would just like to leave you with 2 thoughts.

One, depression and anxiety are grounded in the fact that negative thoughts, feelings and circumstances which have happened and will continue to happen, because you think about them and draw them to you as if they are real while taking no effective action to change them.

Two, if practicing good nutrition is on your list of things to never do, perhaps it is time to take a look at the first statement and change your actions and thinking to include them in your daily life and I guarantee that things will change.

As always Muscle Lines is here to help with any and all dietary advice or planning and we look forward to helping you achieve your highest health self.

7 weeks of health and fitness tips for staying Lean for Life.

January 2, 2015

New Years can be a time for deep reflection and for some it’s time to clean the slate and begin again. A great way to see if your resolutions are being met is to write down your goals into categoreys of life. Health & fitness, love and relationships, financal health, hobbies. Looking back on your goals at the end of the year can help you to stay commited each year.

If health & fitness needs attention breaking it down into smaller pieces of the goal can be helpful. If weight loss is part of your goal starting with 1 or 2 things per week until you have your goal under way. This method has been proven to help you get started and stay commited for a life time.

    Week one – Remove all processed foods in week one and take 1-2 yoga classes or stretch for 15 minutes a day. Begin visulizing your perfect health balance and spend 10 minutes a day either writing down or visulizing the new healthy you.

    Week 2 – Increase your water intake and start moving your body. If your sedentary begin with walking 30 mins a day. Find a work out partner with simalar goals. Couples training can help make the goal seem less of a chore and more of a challenge.

    Week 3- Add some full body weight training in 2 times a week to bolster your metabolism and balance your hormones.

    Week 4- Tighten up your nutrition by eating 3 meals and 2 snacks a day make sure you have protein at each sitting. Write down your food choices. It’s helpful to reflect at the end of each day. Strive for 8-10 servings of veggies 4-5 servings of protein and 1-2 pieces of low glycimic fruit. Depending on the goal either cut starches out or 1 small serving of whole grains.

    Week 5- Add suplements in for back up energy and recovery from exercise. The right supplements can be tested closely by a Natural path.

    Week 6- Start increasing your intensity on your cardio. If you were walking begin a walk jog 3 minute walk 1 minute jog until you reach 1 minute walk one minute jog for 30 mins.
    Week 7- Add one more day of weight training in to help rev up your metabolism. Stay strong on this routine for 2-3 months until it becomes your new habit. It will be time for a change in your program remember the body is smart if you always do the same things you will remain the same.

For a closer look at finding your right balance a professional is trained to help you start according to your lifestyle and any health concerns having a customized program can be the difference maker in your out come.

Put your love to the fitness test

November 5, 2014

Life moves fast and everyone seems busy all the time moving from one task to the other until you finally can rest and get up and do it all over again.

This balance is a sure way to kill the romance between any couple.

Working out as a couple maybe the right type of multi tasking for your health as well as your relationship.

At the Muscle Lines studio we have been training couples successfully for years and the rate of success is truly remarkable!

Here are 7 reasons why:

  1. Common interest – as a couple you can never have to much in common. Getting and staying fit and healthy is a positive way to spend your time together. Like minded goals fueled by each other.
  2. Safety- while your partner is preforming there sets you can help by making sure the form is correct.
  3. Deeper bond- it’s a known fact that the feel good endorphins are released during exercise, what a great way to feel your moods enhance and spend some extra time bonding.

4.  Quality time- with our busy schedules knowing that you have a      date together each week can help with feeling together on your goals. The time spent in a positive way will increase your health and sex appeal can only make your bond stronger.

5. Motivation- having a work out partner has been proven to be effective for years. The reasons are obvious when you may not feel like getting to the gym usually the other one is pumped and ready to go so chances of getting out of your work out are less. Having a partner can increase your motivation to stay consistent.

6.  Respect & pride- looking after your health and fitness is a sexy way to say you care about the life you will be sharing together. Increasing your vitality and energy as well as your physical appeal helps on many levels for couples in a long term relationship.

7.  Stress- in today’s world, life seems overly busy and has created a lot of added stress to our lives. Working out has been proven to enhance moods as well as relax the mind and help clear your thoughts from a busy hectic day. Exercise re balances hormones and generally makes you feel great!

Muscle Lines couples training can help you and your loved one get your motivation and sexy back!

Blueberries the super food!

September 8, 2014

Blueberries are considered a super food here are some reasons why.

Besides being a tasty fruit blueberries have a host of other reasons why they need to be in your daily diet.

Blueberries are rich in pro-anthocyanin natural pigment anti-oxidants.

Blueberries are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Some of the vitamins include Vitamin C vitamin A and vitamin E these vitamins work together as anti-oxidants which help the body rid harmful free radicals there by protecting your body from cancer, ageing and degenerative disease.

Research has shown that Chlorogenic acid in blueberries help lower blood sugar levels which can help aid in Diabetes type 2.

Try my Blueberry spinach salad to help you increase your anti-oxidants!

  • 3 TBSP balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 TSP coconut palm sugar
  • 1 pound of fresh Spinach
  • 1 pint blueberries
  • 5 oz goat feta cheese
  • 4 oz walnuts

Mix vinegar,coconut palm sugar,oil mustard together in a jar and shake.

Mix the remaining ingredients together pour on dressing and serve.

Add some blueberries to your daily diet and expect your health to increase while enjoying the taste and benefits  a super food can provide.

Muscle hates fat ! Victoria based fitness expert teaches you how to attack your fat !

February 2, 2014

Fat invites more fat!

Countless new clients come with the same complaint. Why am I not losing body fat I exercise all the time?

The answer is simple fat invites fat. If you are carrying Visceral fat its messing with adiponectin a hormone that regulate your metabolism. The more Visceral fat you have the less adiponectin that’s being released and the slower your metabolism is.

So what is Visceral fat? Its fat that resides behind your abdominal muscles and surrounds your organs. The Visceral fat begins working its magic by releasing a variety of substance called adipokines. These adipokines include compounds that raises your blood pressure, encourage diabetes, arterial inflammation,and high blood pressure and help keep you fat.

There are 3 ways to burn calories:

1.Digestive Metabolism (10% of daily calories) .This is a result of digesting your foods. YOU burn about 10 % of your daily calories. You will burn more calories digesting protein than carbs or fats.

2.Exercise and movement metabolism (15-30% )of your daily activity

This part of your metabolism includes your gym work out and other physical activities. It also includes your countless movements through out the day.

3.Basal (resting) metabolism (60-75 %) of your daily burn

This represent the calories you burn doing nothing at all. Your heart beating lungs breathing even cells dividing.

Your basal metabolism is determined by sex,age,genetics and height. Also your muscle to fat ratio !!!!!!!!!! Did you know fat is lazy on a metabolic level? Fat burns barley any calories at all. To support a pound of fat your body burns 2 calories a day. Muscle is where its at. Muscle is metabolically very active and efficient. One pound of muscle burns 3 times as many calories each day to sub-stain itself. FAT hates Muscle!

Muscle is constantly burning off fat. So this is why its so hard to loose weight through just exercising alone.

How can we fight Visceral fat? Knowing your metabolism and how to apply exercise that raises your Basal metabolism ( resting metabolism). A great place to start is in the weight room fight back with muscle the more you have the more it fights off the fat. A weight training program 3-4 times a week along with nutritional support that includes 5 serving of protein daily. Keep up some cardio for your heart. Remember when your friend is bragging about the calories they burned on the treadmill you could be in the weight room building more muscle and turning up your metabolism into a fat burning machine !!!!!

Fat storing,fat burning it’s a hormonal event!

July 23, 2013

Fat loss is a hormonal event, Growth Hormone and Glucgon  play a major role in fat loss.  It is also important to note that there are fat storing hormones. The body uses these hormones through many different stimuli like food, drink, exercise, stress and sleep.

Insulin is a fat storing hormone and can be raised by sugar intake, while glucagon and Growth Hormone are fat burning hormones and can be raised by intense exercise. If insulin is high, the other hormones go down. Another hormone called cortisol (stress hormone) is a muscle breakdown hormone and is also a fat storing hormone. When you enhance the fat storing hormones, the fat burning hormones turn off.

“Everything You Eat Or Drink Counts! You are what you eat but I don’t remember eating any sexy beasts lately?”

Why is sugar bad but it tastes so good?

Sugar is quickly absorbed into the blood which causes a spike in your blood sugar in turn releasing insulin into the body to take care of it. Every time you put sugar into your mouth you tell your body let’s store some fat.  Remember when insulin is high, glucagon and GH are low.

The body’s Fat cells are your emergency storage tanks. These cells store everything including prescription drugs, pesticides and toxic processed foods leading to lifestyle induced diseases.

“It is more important to know what and when to eat food rather than counting calories.”

Working out is a stress reliever which drops cortisol levels but conversely, over training or too much stress raises them.

Keep strength training under 45mins and interval training under 25-30 min  (increase the intensity, not the duration). Anything longer will just start using muscle as fuel.

Less stress = lower cortisol levels which aid in fat loss.

Exercise with intensity, while weight training or doing cardio shorten the rest periods and increase activity. Short burst of anaerobic intense exercise will signal the body to release growth hormone  (fat burning hormone).

Think intensity = growth hormone release.

Weight training will reduce your insulin resistance (which is one of the biggest reasons for obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, accelerated aging and more!)

Weight training = reduced insulin resistance.

Bringing these rules together will give you a  lean and healthy body. Your choices everyday matter.  Ask yourself the next time you reach for something to eat “is this fat storing or fat burning”?

Master these steps, and you will see tremendous changes. While exercising  don’t worry about how many calories you burn make sure the intensity is at optimal levels.

Ordering your celebrity body!

February 28, 2013

The Muscle Lines studio has been very busy interviewing new clients these days. There seems to be a common misunderstanding about a few issues on reaching goals. Clients come in ordering up what I like to call celebrity bodies, these are bodies that are well above average and looking like fitness models.

It’s great to aspire to something more but nothing is achievable with out constant focused effort, however the amount of work that it takes to achieve and maintain this look is not for the average person.

There are many things to consider when ordering up a body from your trainer. Some of the questions I ask in my consultations are:

How much time per week do you have to commit to these goal?

What is your line of profession how many hours a week do you work?

Do you have children if so how many and what age?

One of the most important questions I ask is how are you at following structure because there is going to be a lot of accountability involved and can you stick with guidelines for long periods of time? My next question is one of the most important ones in reaching your celebrity body goals. “What are you willing to give up to get what you want?”

You must be willing to do everything it takes to reach your goal. Mentally you must keep positive each day, remember your mind is the leader. If your mind is positive and on track your body will follow.

Affirmations of success are helpful. If you don’t fully believe in yourself and your goals the obstacles that appear will stop you in your tracks.

Planning your attack so that when the obstacles come along you just step over them and continue on your path to success.

Being super fit and healthy is a decision, you must decide each day to make choices that move you closer towards your goals. There will be days and weeks that are hard and you will want to give up, but remembering the bigger picture of your goals and why you decide you wanted them in the first place can help you to forge on. Having a professional on your side can be the difference maker.

In my many years of personal training, I have noticed clients that have reached their ultimate goals have a few things in common; the ability to stay focused on the big picture and stay calm when things don’t feel like they are working; and be ready to change. We must do everything we can to achieve the ultimate goal and patience will defiantly be required.

When ordering up your new body remember be ready to commit fully, make sure your goals match the time you can spend on them. Get a clear understanding of how much time per week you will need to achieve this goal.

If you still want the celebrity bodies then go after it, commit to the scheduled workouts along with highly structure nutrition plans, and be ready to say no when you need to. In my years of coaching and training there has never been a client that has reached goals and is disappointed with the result.

Sandra Froher

Creator of “Lean for Life” programs

6 tip’s on successful habit breaking!

January 2, 2013

Good or bad habit’s are hard to break.

#1 Only take on one habit to break at a time. I would easily estimate that you triple your chances for success.

#2 Put your plan on paper. Write a start and finish date. Include what you want to happen and what is your reward.

#3 Commit Commit Commit!!!!!!. Tell the world about your commitment, blog about it, share it and own it. Put a note on your desk about your intentions the more you commit the easier the accountability becomes.

#4 Realize your obstacles. Find the solution before the problem materializes.

#5 Be consistent. If you only do your new habit sometimes you will fail to create a new positive habit. You must preform the new habit always.

#6 Stuff happens, old habits have a way of creeping in like uninvited dinner guests. Press re-start this is how habit’s are truly broken.

In my experience the biggest challenge in new clients is changing old habits. To be highly successful each student needs to be open to change and explore why idea’s and old habit’s haven’t worked. One of my famous sayings is “You can’t eat what you want, and look and feel like you want”. At first all the changes will seem daunting, but I can assure you once you form new habit’s it becomes easier and will also feel more natural. Nothing you eat can take the place of feeling fit and healthy. More health equals more quality of life.

Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time.” – Mark Twain

Change your mind,change your body!

November 22, 2012


Changing old patterns is the first step to succeeding with your goals.

How do we look at fitness and wellness?

Where does is it on your priority list?

In order to change anything in life you need to give it your all!

Make your health and wellness a priority. Many people find they put there own needs on hold to take care of others. But in essence you are taking your own health for granted, until it is not there. My question for you is why wait to possibly feel un well or even get sick to start taking care of your yourself.

Exercising and eating well now may save you hours even years of sick time in the future and also have more energy for the rest of your life and commitments. Regular physical activity has many benefits including better health and greater vitality.

How do we look at fitness and wellness? All too often, people think of exercise as a punishment or painful experience, time consuming and obligatory. If this is how you truly feel, you are setting yourself up for failure.

You could instead think of it as a chance to unwind from a stressful day, a little time all to yourself and a way to improve your quality of life. Take some time and truly ask yourself what your thoughts around fitness and wellness really are. You may need to change the way you are thinking before you move on to even setting your first fitness and wellness goal. This may be what has kept you from succeeding in the past.

Look at some of the reasons why you may have not succeeded in the past when you tried to set other fitness goals.

How long did the routine last?

What happened to get in your way?

Where was fitness and wellness on your priority list?

Were your goals realistic?

Did you feel like a failure?

In order to make changes we must spend some time first clearing out old thought patterns and beginning with new positive plans for the health we deserve to have.

Remember this is your body and life you are in control of all your choices.

Stay focused stay “Lean for Life”

Never give up you can do it!

May 27, 2012

The day my Life Changed

Bang!!!!! 3 car pile up rear ended and I get hit in the head with my car stereo as it flies from the dashboard, my world as I knew it goes black.

In early 2000 it is safe to say things drastically changed in my life. I was involved in a major 3 car pile up on the highway that left me with a serious concussion as well as memory loss, 3 herniated disc’s in my cervical spine and excruciating pain 24 hours a day for the next 2 years. Until this point in my life I never really believed that life could put me down this far. All I had to look forward to was depression and a life spiralling out of control. People and doctors were telling me that I was seriously injured and I would never do or accomplish anything physical again.

I chose not to believe them. No one holds power over you except you.

I started small working with my memory issue’s through rehab and slowly opening my window of tolerance in hopes of returning to a normal life. I guess you could say I was mentally and physically out of commission. I could not even go to the mall without a panic attack and high levels of anxiety.

By the year of 2003 I was able to work out and think clearly again thanks to a very understanding family and pure force of will to change my situation. My doctor straight up told me that I would never be able to lift weights like I used to ever again. Hearing those words was fuel enough for me to prove them wrong.

I began training with a new mind set and with a different set of limitations to keep me safe. Once I figured out how to achieve the results I was looking for without killing myself in the process, the thoughts of competition slowly started to enter my mind once again.

Workouts started slowly but gained in intensity as I developed a system of working smarter and harder. My old body building ways were remodelled and transformed into the beginnings of the “Lean for Life” systems.

Thank god for muscle memory and determination.

By 2006 I announced I was coming out of retirement and back to the stage for a second competitive career. This time I was going to do everything on my terms and look the way I wanted without going outside my comfort zone.

I was so excited about the sparkle suit’s and heels I began pushing my new limited body carefully to it’s tolerance levels daily, weekly and monthly. Getting back on stage was like seeing an old friend that I used to know and I immediately felt at home once again.

I finally got back to a steady state and I felt I had arrived as I stepped on stage for my first amateur show in 2007 with all my family and friends watching. It was nail biting but I came through intact.

As this story has a happy ending I acknowledge that not everyone has the same advantages but everyone who chooses to change their attitude will gain altitude. Never give up and always believe that your body and mind can over come whatever adversity you put your mind into.

Some of my Recent awards :

2010 Natural Universe INBA 2 nd Ms Classic Figure

2009 Flex Appeal International Over All best -Figure

2009 Figure America master 6 th place

2008 INBA Natural Olympia Ms Figure master 3 rd

2008 Canadian sports model of the year over 35

2008 Flex Appeal International Diva master 1 st

2008 Flex Appeal International sports model 1 st

2007 Natural Olympia INBA Ms Physique 3 rd

2007 Ivkar cup Ms Physique open 2 nd

2007 Ivkar cup Master Physique 1 st

Everyone wants to be on top of the mountain, but all the growth occurs while climbing it.

If you have a dream you must believe in yourself fully owning the image in your mind. Don’t be afraid to try, all of us had to start and make the decision to keep going. The journey was the most memorable and gave me all the riches of knowledge to impart my teachings of mind and body.

I thank all those who have told me I couldn’t, shouldn’t or wouldn’t and invite them to fuel my fire. I hope you are inspired and want to ignite your own fire, one that helps you reach your goals.

Move towards your goals confidently and boldly putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it you will be on an incredible journey. Today I am the owner of Muscle Lines personal training, a private studio where I teach my “Lean for Life” programs. I live with my husband, my # 1 fan and my two dachshunds (Weens and Beans they like me too).

Whether you are a World Champion or looking to stay healthy and “Lean for Life” the 5 components of my teachings are instrumental in reaching your body transformation goals and maintaining them for life. The tools I have acquired over 2 decades allow me to provide you with the best possible results. The 5 key components will help you to understand your body and exercise goals in a exciting new way.

If you take charge today and learn to apply the “Lean for Life” rules I promise you will never have to start over again.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”

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With Muscle Lines, I learned to be more efficient with my workouts. I got better results in less time.
Valerie M, Victoria BC
Sandra Froher

Muscle Lines Clothing

Muscle Lines cotton tank tops for men & women sizes from sm., med., lrg., to XL are available through direct purchase. Coming soon: jackets, shorts in many colors, fits, & sizes according to availablility. Find out how you can save by being a Gold member. Ask Sandra how!!!