Spring & summer is fast approaching imagine if you could have the legs you have always wanted.
I am going to take you through a tough leg program that I know hit’s every leg muscle you own.
WARNING : this program is not for the weak.
Doing a warm up is required to get the synovial fluids in the joints moving and also to bring up your body’s temperature for more intense things to follow. 5 minutes on the stair stepper should do it.
If my legs are tight I make sure I stretch lightly to release the tightness before I begin.
Here we go !
STEP UP REVERVE LUNGE 4 set’s 15 lbs reps 10-12
SMITH MACHINE SQUATS narrow stance 3-4 sets 12-15
LEG PRESS narrow & wide 3-4 sets 10-12 reps
TRX SQUATS ONE LEGGED 3 sets 10 per side then jump squat wide for 10
FORWARD LUNGE WITH HIGH KICK super set with: 3 sets each 15 reps
GLUTE PUSH UP on exercise ball
STIFF LEGGED DEADLIFT 3 sets 10-12 reps
SEATED CALVE RAISE 3 sets 15-20 reps
STRETCH for 10 mins legs only
Try to contract & understand the muscles you are working so you can visualize them while working out. Resting between sets should be minimal as you want to keep the muscles under high stress.
This work out is for intermediate or advanced trainers. Enjoy the burn , this is what it takes to have championship legs.