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  In controlling ones weight, resting metabolic energy not the energy of the activity

Basic concept of weight management says that the number of calories taken in must equal the calories you expend in both metabolic and physical activity to maintain a stable weight. Metabolic activity or metabolic rate is determined by the body�s basic energy metabolism. On an average 75% of the energy expended each day is used to support the basic metabolic processes of the body. Only 25% of the energy we expend is the result of activity, such as exercise or work. This suggests that the largest factor in controlling ones weight is resting metabolic energy not the energy of the activity. Fitness level and resting metabolic rate is directly correlated. Which means a person, who is more active and also has more muscle on their frame will have a higher resting metabolic rate, therefore will have an easier time maintaining a balance between dietary calories in and total calories expended.

However, it appears that there is more to weight management than just calories in, and activity expended. EFFICIENCY is a huge factor in weight management. Some people may have metabolisms which burn off extra calories as heat, while others may have metabolisms which take extra calories and store them as fat. The balance between heat production and fat formation is related to a process called THERMOGENIC RESPONSIVENESS. An interesting fact a person who is greatly over weight (represents in their body shape extra energy stored as fat) will show symptoms of not having enough energy and being very tired. For these individuals energy in food is not being effectively transformed into the energy of physiological activity. Instead the energy is being stored as fat. So the two factors in weight management are, the balance one strikes between the number of calories consumed and the calories expended in the energy of activity and resting metabolism. The ability of the body to automatically increase its amount of heat production(thermo genesis)as a consequence of increased calorie intake.

The principal approach to appropriate weight management is to regulate both the density and type of calories in the diet by decreasing the amount of fat and increasing protein and carbohydrates.
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