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  Regulate your bodies weight around the so-called set point
The body’s thermogenic capability is a very important factor in long-term weight management. The body has a natural ability, if it’s thermogenic machinery is working well to increase the amount of food calories that are burned off. This allows the body to regulate its weight around the so-called set point, the point around which the weight fluctuates. Unfortunately, as the thermogenic machinery becomes less able to convert nutrients to heat, the set point tends to creep up to a higher weight. Over the course of years an individual’s natural weight can increase by three to five pounds a year. Over the course of ten years this translates into thirty to fifty pounds of weight gain. In an attempt to alter this, crash diets are resorted to and unfortunately have an adverse influence to the thermogenic machinery and may in the long term increase the set point. So choosing your quality of food choices should be high on your list.

Nutrients that the body needs in fairly large quantities and that contain calories the body can burn for energy to do its metabolic and physical work are called macronutrients. Macronutrients include protein, carbohydrates and fats.

All food, as it naturally occurs,contains some amount of protein. Various foods contain different percentages of protein and are made of unique combinations of the possible 32 different amino acids. The body uses these amino acids in its own combinations to build its protein structure substance.

Carbs make up two-thirds of human food intake. This category of nutrients is divide into 3 subcategories; simple carbohydrates or simple sugars, complex carbohydrates often called starches, and fiber. All carbs are sugars or more complicated structures made from sugars.

Fats belong to a category of nutrients technically referred to as lipids. This category of nutrients includes fat from animal sources as well as from plants sources. Oils are fats. Fats are often classified in terms of their saturation. Saturated fats come from animals although some plants are higher in saturated fats such as palm and coconut oil these are higher in saturated fat than the animal. Unsaturated fats are found in plant foods, including nuts, seeds, beans, vegetables, and even some fruits.

  • A women’s body is designed to store fat. More than a mans. Here are the facts;
  • Women’s fat cells are up to five times larger than a mans
  • Women’s fat cells can contain up to twice the fat-storing enzymes
  • Women’s fat cells can contain half the fat-releasing enzymes
This means it’s easy for women to put on fat and harder to take it off. Women have at least 8%more fat than men, which allows for an extra 120,000 calories for use in needy times. On average men carry 40 more pounds of muscle than women do. Men also carry 10 times more testosterone than women. Testosterone is a muscle building fat burning hormone. Men manufacture up to twice the amount of fat releasing enzymes that women do. On an average men burn 30% more calories during exercise than women do.

Estrogen is a group of three hormones that regulate women’s reproductive functions. As women age, estrogen production from the ovaries and glands starts to dwindle. As estrogen levels drop women’s bodies make plans for future estrogen manufacturing sites, and the best location seems to be in the fat cells. Yes estrogen can be produced in the fat cells. These facts give women all the more reason to want to put more muscle on your frame. Muscle helps burn more fat and helps turn your fat burning furnace up. The more thermogenically active your muscles are the more fat you will burn at rest. One pound of active muscle burns 50 more calories a day.

In order to achieve your fitness goals a carefully thought out program is of the essence. The right amount of intense weight training to produce active muscle, enough cardio to burn extra calories and body fat and last but not least careful choices of macronutrients to help your muscles stay active and thermogenic. Living a lean and healthy lifestyle includes making the right chooses . Discover how you may learn how to make the right choices and stay lean and healthy all the time not just for an occasion or a short duration. Muscle Lines will educate and challenge your current lifestyle to a healthier way. We can always do better. With Muscle Lines lifestyle program you will learn how to turn your body into a fat burning machine.
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